In 2009, J. K Shanti Society was set up by Mr. Ved Goyal, Mr. Gurdas Bansal & Mr. K.L.Mittal along with the help of close family and friends. The Society was registered under 80 G with the registrar of societies of Haryana on May 12, 2009 [Regd. 89]. A sister concern under the name of "The Kailash Goyal Foundation" was established on June 11, 2009 in the United States in memory of the Late Mrs. Kailash Goyal on the same pattern. Funds collected in the US by the Kailash Goyal Foundation are transferred to J.K Shanti Charitable Society to promote the objectives of the society. All donations made to the Society are tax-exempt. The Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi has granted permanent registration to receive foreign funds.

To achieve its motives, the first medical camp was held at Village Ghanour District Patiala and was inaugurated by Sh. Tejinder Pal Singh Sandhu, a well-known socio-political figure of the area. About 700 patients were examined by six doctors, and medicines were given free of cost. The camp was led by Dr. K.N. Mishra, Ex-Director of Ayurvedic Medical College, and his team. The doctors also kept a follow-up of the patients examined in the camp, and free medicine and check-ups were provided to them regularly by the Society. Two members from Kailash Goyal Fooundatin USA, Mr. Sandeep Aggarwal and Mrs. Ruby G. Aggarwal alo participated the camp and superwised the work.

Medical Camp
Weekly Clinic

J.K Shanti Charitable Society in association with The Kailash Goyal Foundation started running a weekly medical check-up clinic from a rented place at Village Mubarakpur near Dera Bassi from May 16th, 2010, where approximately 300 plus patients were examined every week. Free medicine and lab tests facilities were provided to all the patients, with the help of three qualified doctors and para-medical staff. Apart from this, regular medical check-up were held for various ailments like eye diseases, skin diseases, orthopedic problems, etc. Dr. Ram Kumar, retired SMO Dera Bassi, started providing free guidance and medical check-up for the society.
After a year and a half, seeing the successful operation of the regular medical check-up and camps, a need was felt for having our own clinic.

The project got kick started, when Mr. Sanju Bansal donated the land for the clinic in memory of his late father Mr. Ved Prakash Bansal of Nabha. Then with the help of The Kailash Goyal Foundation and donors of J.K. Shanti Charitable Society, the dream became a reality and the new clinic was dedicated to the society on 4th May 2013. The clinic was inaugurated by Mr. N.K. Sharma, MLA and Chief Parliament Secretary Punjab along with many dignitaries.

Since May 4th,2013 J.K. Shant Charitable Clinic has been running 6 days a week ( Tuesday through Sunday). The clinic has in-house general check-up test, dental, lab, ECG, ophthalmology, skin, gynecology and Pharmacy services.Most Diabetes and blood pressure medicines are provided free of cost. Additionally, regular medical camps are organized to offer free checkups and lab tests.

Now going on to the second objective i.e. education front. As per the aims of the Society, we started funding education to brilliant but underprivileged students, right from June 2009, for studying in professional institutions, for education in the field of engineering, computers, medicine, law & accounts, etc. lots of students have already graduated and got jobs. Every year new students are being funded for college education in varius classes.

Ever since the Society started functioning in 2009, The Kailash Goyal Foundation and local donors have been very generous, and provided financial and manpower for the smooth running of the Society. The Society also assures that not a single paise is being over spent, and all the funds have been used for the benefit of weaker section of our Society, without incurring any overhead expense and will keep doing so.